About the Client
Retail Pharmacy of a Major Health Provider; Ambulatory and Inpatient Divisions
The pharmacy at a major healthcare provider was experiencing below-average turn around times for a certain portion of medications. The healthcare provider was looking for ways to locate anomalies as early as possible.
Locating Systemic Anomalies
We provided an analytics tool in the form of a dashboard. We used the pharmacy's historical data, along with principally discrete milestones and timestamps for ordered medications, to describe the duration between the prescription and when it was dispensed. The dashboard allowed for a systematic review of anomalies, by flagging medications with below-average turn around times. This ultimately allowed the pharmacy to drill down on key segments of data and increase their turnaround times.
Impacting Healthcare with TeraCrunch Solutions
TeraCrunch's Pharmacy Turnaround Time Tool allows the pharmacy to identify which variables are slowing down the process. These are then identified in near real-time, so it can be addressed early on. Our solution regularly identifies 10% to 30% of medications producing slow turn around times. This saves the pharmacy time in identifying anomalies while getting medications ready for the patients quicker.
Key Benefits
Flags medications needing supervisor intervention
Identifies 10%-30% of medications producing slow turnaround times
Provides near real-time data analysis for early intervention