Solution Predicting Physician’s Propensity, Loyalty and Retention for Various Drugs

TeraCrunch - Solution Predicting Physician's Propensity, Loyalty and Retention for Various Drugs

Solution Predicting Physician's Propensity, Loyalty and Retention for Various Drugs

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About the Client

Pharmaceutical companies

Case Study

Advanced analytics to understand Physician's prescription habits and predict future behavior

Problem Overview

Pharmaceutical companies want to improve their marketing ROI by getting an in-depth understanding of Physician behavior. Physician behavior and their prescription habits are very difficult to predict because it depends on several variables. However, if predicted accurately, pharma companies can improve their marketing ROI significantly, by targeting the right physicians, with the most appropriate messaging to convert them.

TeraCrunch Solutions

TeraCrunch offers an advanced analytics tool that allows the marketing and strategic teams of Pharma companies to understand physician's prescription behaviors in a very detailed way. It even provides them an ability to simulate various competitive scenarios. TeraCrunch's analytical tools compile physician prescription data, as well as competitive data of similar drugs, to provide a 4-dimensional overview of physician's prescription habits. Employing this data into TeraCrunch's algorithms, it shows how different types of physicians prescribe a specific medication based on their geographic location, ethnicity, types of practice, age, gender, etc. It scores the potential for the physician to switch to a competitive drug.

Impact On the Business

Using TeraCrunch's advanced analytics tool, pharma companies were able to improve their marketing ROI. They were able to identify groups of physicians based on their loyalties or unloyalties for various categories of drugs. This solution allows these companies to understand how physicians can be influenced in their decision-making


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