Healthcare Rehab Smart Scheduling Optimization Tool

TeraCrunch - Healthcare Rehab Smart Scheduling Optimization Tool

Healthcare Rehab Smart Scheduling Optimization Tool

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About the Client

Large hospital system

Case Study

Optimal Plan of Care and schedule optimization for therapy using TeraCrunch Solution

Problem Overview

Individualized therapy models requires regular evaluations from which Plan(s) of Care are developed, adjusted, and optimized, but this process can be expensive to standardize, implement and scale.

    TeraCrunch Solutions

  • Model that takes as an input therapists evaluations and individualized Plan of Care and constructing a therapy schedule that reflects the therapeutic needs of patients and the contrasts of therapists.

  • Optimal therapeutic pathways are based on therapist evaluations on intake and throughout inpatient stay.

  • Pathways are defined as a mixture of at least physical and occupational therapy (PT and OT, respectively), optionally including speech therapy (ST) as needed, for 180 minutes per day. CMS requires that inpatients receive a minimum of two therapy modalities each day, but does not specify the distribution between these therapies.

  • Once the therapeutic pathway is identified for a patient, our solution will schedule time with a therapist in each discipline based on patient need. For example, if a patient needs 75 minutes of PT, 75 minutes of OT, and 30 minutes of ST, then these blocks of time will be allotted to a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and a speech therapist on a daily basis. To the extent possible, patients will be assigned to the same therapists while in residence

  • Other constraints include total minutes of therapy a day, breaks, and hours of operation.

  • Integrates best in class analytics and domain expertise during training of models.

  • The tool is in a CSV/Excel format with an automated optimized schedule that reflects the above considerations.

Impact On the Business

In production, our solution has reduced the time it takes to produce a Plan of Care (Therapeutic Pathway) from therapist evaluations by 80%. Integration with large Electronic Medical Records (EMR) provider in progress.


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